We are comprised of state power building organizations in continental US states from coast to coast. Our member organizations guide our programming and share our orientation in the pursuit for governing power across all states.
How We Work
Resourcing Local & State Power

Balances of power, voter demographics, and urgency on issues can look drastically different from state to state. As members of SPC, organizations drive their own agendas and campaigns, but gather on a monthly basis to strengthen their peer networks and to strategize.
Within SPC, we focus on strategic political education, our People of Color Executive Director Cohort, along with base building strategies and experimentation efforts. In all of these key areas, we find effective ways forward through peer-to-peer sharing of our experiences, expertise, and even failures. As our work is also forward-focused, we are building out long term agendas and organizing to form state-based national strategies, rooted in power building for our communities.

Arizona Center for Empowerment (ACE)
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Institute
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Empowerment Education Fund (AAPI Force – EF)
California Calls Education Fund
Grassroots Collaborative
The Kentucky Coalition
We The People – MI
TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund
One Voice
New York
Public Policy and Education Fund of New York
New York Communities Organizing Fund, Inc.
North Carolina
Carolina Federation Fund